Cultural shocks of an Indian - Part : 2

Hello there – This is the second part of the cultural shock series and I continue with the shocks that I received initially when I came to Colombia. 9. There is no operational railway Colombia is a big country. It almost is 33% of India for the size but has the population of just 5% of India (Imagine, a fifth of Colombia just lives in Bogotá). For the size, it is fair to expect a functional railway system, but no, Colombia doesn’t have one. For travelling to other cities, buses, flights or cars are the options. Buses are comfortable, but they can never be as comfortable as trains. There are huge lengths of unused railway lines in many regions, which makes think of what if they were operational? Yes, there is the over prized and slow train to Zipaquira, but is not the same. Flights are like lotteries, sometimes you get a better deal than buses, some times you spend more. Sometimes, you end up spending almost the same time as buses for flights. This was a cultural shock as for th...