Tibasosa - The gateway to the Sugamuxi territory
The road to the Andean highlands The highway from Bogotá that goes to the north called the Avenida de los libertadores is more popularly known as the Autopista Norte . This highway takes you to the Andean heartlands in Cundinamarca, Boyacá and beyond. The road after crossing the peaje de los andes is a well laid 6 lane road till about Sopó . After Sopó the road becomes a 4 laned road that goes all the way till Duitama. The road takes you to some of the most beautiful landscape and towns in the region. The traffic along the Autopista Norte Towards Sogamoso Beyond Duitama , further inside Boyacá the roads are still well maintained for the most parts, however are 2 lane roads. From Duitama, there are 2 main roads to reach Sogamoso, the capital of the Sugamuxi province of Boyacá. The first one is through Tibasosa and the second one is through Nobsa . Tibasosa, is the focus of this post. Escape travel recommendation Whenever you plan to travel outside Bogotá, my recommendation will always b...