Tenza Valley - Going down at night

Oh yes, a lot of changes since I last posted happened in life, which I will cover in another blog. Thank you for returning, it means a lot to me and the blog. Let us get straight into business, now. Tenza valley is a vast region in the eastern part of Boyacá department which is mostly covered by two provinces - Eastern Boyacá province with Guateque as the capital and Neira province with Garagoa as the capital. Looking back to the previous blog, not a lot has changed in my opinion - This region is one of the most beautiful regions of Boyacá department. Tenza Valley formed part of an ancient trade route from the Andes to the plains, which it faithfully serves through this day. During a recent trip to Meta department for end of year, we used this route to return, as you know, the route from Bogotá to Villao was off and on with a lot of traffic. Guayatá - As visible from Guateque Eastern Boyacá (Provincia de Oriente) province is home to 8 municipalities namely - Guateque, ...